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Capacitación y Certificación Lean Six Sigma
SixSigmaespanol.com was the first Six Sigma provider to offer the first two weeks of the Green Belt and Black Belt together. This 2+2 format allows for Green Belts and Black Belts to attend training together, thus improving internal synergy while providing greater organizational flexibility. We deliver a full range of onsite Champion leadership courses for organizations deploying Six Sigma.
The public classes start at 8:00 am and end at 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday at most locations. Weeks with 4.5 days will end at 12:00 pm on Friday. This includes the Green Belt BootCamp, as well as the first week of the Green Belt. The first week of the Master Black Belt also includes a ½ day on the first Friday.
23, Novoslobodskaya street
127055 Moscow, Russia
Теl: +7495-780-40-20