Hay una gran cantidad de términos que son específicos de Lean y Six Sigma. Si no está seguro sobre el significado de un término, le recomendamos que visite nuestro Glosario Lean y Six Sigma para encontrar esa definición. Si no encuentra el término que está buscando, por favor contáctenos. Estaremos encantados de responder a sus preguntas, y podemos añadir su término al glosario en el futuro.

Output measures

Measures related to and describing the output of the process; total figures/overall measures.


Any product, service, or piece of information coming out of, or resulting from, the activities in a process.

Operational definition

A clear, precise description of the factor being measured or the term being used; ensures a clear understanding of terminology and the ability to operate a process or collect data consistently.

Non-value-adding activities

Steps/tasks in a process that do not add value to the external customer and do not meet all three criteria for value-adding; includes rework, handoffs, inspection/control, wait/delays, etc.See also Value-Adding Activities.


Narrowing and prioritization tool. Faced with a list of ideas, problems, causes, etc., each member  a group is given a set number of “votes.” Those receiving the most votes get further attention/consideration.

Moment of truth

Any event or point in a process when the external customer has an opportunity to form an opinion (positive, neutral, or negative) about the process or organization.


DMAIC phase M, where key measures are identified, and data are collected, compiled, and displayed 2. A quantified evaluation of specific characteristics and/or level of performance based on observable data.


A decision making using criteria and facts; supporting “intuition” with data; tools used include process measurement, process management techniques, and rational decision-making tools (e.g., criteria matrix).